Sunday, June 1, 2014

Mattress for Your Loft Bed

Most loft beds that you purchase, do not come with a mattress included in the price, so you will need to ensure that you include the cost of a mattress when considering the cost of buying a loft bed.

Just as loft beds can be variable from simple to very attractive styles, the same applies to mattresses.   There are basic types of mattresses through to more plush styles, but whatever you choose, needs to be comfortable, as well as within your budget.

We spend a lot of time in bed, and so it's important to make sure we choose a mattress that is comfortable so that we can get a good night's sleep, and not just any one that is the correct size to fit in the loft bed, but can lead us to feeling tired and grumpy in the mornings due to pain and stiffness, and not getting a good night's sleep. A mattress that we are uncomfortable on, could also lead to spinal issues in the future.

The type of mattress that suits each one of us is a very individual thing.  Some prefer the conventional spring box type mattress, whilst others prefer a memory foam mattress, or a latex mattress.

Spring Box Mattresses

Many people prefer the spring box style mattress because it has been a popular favorite for many years, and this is the style so many are used to.  However, some people are open to consider other styles of mattresses when it comes to replacing their old one, due to the fact that spring mattresses also have a reputation for the springs sagging over a period of time, and can cause considerable discomfort.

Memory foam Mattresses

One type of mattress that has grown in popularity of late is the memory foam mattress.  This mattress is made up of varying densities of foam from top to bottom, and is an attractive material for many, as it provides a softer comfortable feel the moment you climb into bed, and who doesn't like as much comfort as they can get when they go to bed?  Due to the comfort these mattresses offer, they can be the answer for those that experience many aches and pains in their bodies.  However, there is one particular issue with them, and that is that foam tends to be a hot material to lay on, so it may not be an appropriate mattress for those who easily feel hot in bed.  To over come this problem, some manufacturers have incorporated air tunnels into the mattress to help the mattress to breathe, and thus be more comfortable to lay on.

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